Monday, December 10, 2007

#62 Wk44 PreProduction

This episode winds up the last week of the Preproduction module. I think it's the most useful, insightful and humbling set of classes I've experienced so far. Most of the show is centered on what I feel are the five most important things I've learned during this time. They are:

  1. You need to surrender control of parts of the film project or your finished product will be deficient.
  2. Filmmaking is a business. Completing a film is not the definition of success, making money on the film is success.
  3. Plan everything until your fingers bleed, before beginning to film
  4. Know what everyone does so you can delegate work properly
  5. Identify your market

On the last point I spend some time talking about a turning point during the last class where, through an open discussion about the status of our final projects, I finally understand who I'm making my film for. This one little piece of information sets me free to explore the possibilities of my subject and at the same time anchors me so that I don't dissipate my energies on too many ideas that go nowhere.

Like I said, a great class.
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